
Co-Op & Once A Month Cooking

Well, some of us have expressed that it is getting to be about that time again! Yes, our freezers are getting a little bare! I have come across some ideas that we might could use to change up our system, if we choose! I am going to list some ideas and some extra info on them! Please look at it when you can so we can see if any of these new ideas would work, or if we need to stick with the old day-long Saturday cooking day! :)

  1. Cook one Saturday like we have done before!
  2. Everyone pick a meal and make a double-batch for each family and have an exchange day to distribute. We can total the expenses and even out the cost.
  3. Co-Op Cooking: Southern Living explains one way how to co-op cook. Introducing Supper Swapping, or Co-op Cooking is another take on co-op cooking by Trish Berg. Co-op Cooking: A New Saving Strategy is another explanation.

Lastly, I have found a neat recipe program that makes serving changes etc. I had one of these years ago that was a gift, but this one is FREE! So far I like it!

Let me know what you think! I am open to using the same system or trying an abbreviated new system (a meal or two a week etc.). The local Super Suppers place is over $100 for 6 meals. The meals are designed to feed 4 to 6 people! We may could get two meals from one depending on what it is, but that is more expensive than what we are used to. If anyone else has any other ideas, please let us know!

Hope to hear from you ALL!

Cultivating Peace

Well, I haven't been able to read it all, but I think I have found a good article on cultivating peace in the home. Tamra keeps referring to a time when Mrs. Judy spoke to the moms on cultivating calm in the home. I hope this article proves to be along the same tone as what Mrs. Judy taught. Let me know what you think when you have time to read!
On the bottom of the article they recommend a book that has helped me over the years, The Excellent Wife. If any of you ever want to borrow it, please let me know! It is along the lines of Don't Make Me Count to Three, except it is for wives relating to their husbands instead of children. I learn something new and beneficial every time I reread the book!


Pots & Pans

Pretend play is so fun! I love for my children to make up fantasy stories and also act out real life possibilities! These stories are usually a good gauge as to what they are absorbing from life! (and me and my actions - scary!) Jack doesn't get as many opportunities to initiate things like this because the other kids are usually one step ahead of him, but the other day he decided he wanted our "pots and pans" basket down. He proceeded to pick up trains and train tracks by himself so he could move onto something else! When he dumped out the "pots and pans" basket, he immediately flipped the basket so he could set the table for a snack for his older brother and sister! They would come check on him and he would say, "it's almost ready." How neat to watch Jack serve his siblings, even if it is pretend play!
