
Moving Blog

FYI ... I am in the process of moving my blog to wordpress.  Here's a new post! Let me know if you have trouble viewing it!

Ramares Ramblings

Happy 2012!


End of a Great Week

Today we finished our first week of school.  This week also included some fun things!

Monday:  School:  see new books, supplies and other fun things
Tuesday: School and play with some friends (we <3 the Kelley boys)
Wednesday:  School and last night of summer Bible Study at church - LOVED this study!
Thursday: School, lake with TLC friends and TLC walk - through night! The kids are so excited!
Friday: School - celebrate the end of our first week with a sugary fun breakfast! Get prepared for our first TLC day on Monday. (Bags are packed!) Shelby headed off to her first official function with the Middle School of GCC. (Yikes!) The boys are celebrating with a rented Redbox Wii game!

Amazing.  Here we go for another school year! There are lots of changes in the air, but we know that God is faithful to provide ALL we need!

One last thing about today ... Happy Birthday to my oldest sis!
I love you, Paige! See you next month!
Since I don't have any recent pics of us together, here's one of us on my birthday last year!
Wish I were celebrating with you!


A New School Year

Well, here we go ... ready or not!
This week brought the start to a new school year.
I have tried to start a tradition of picture taking, measuring and weighing the kids on the first day of school!
We have had a pretty good start to our school year.  Looking forward to the start of our co-op on Monday!
List of kidos in my class! ;) They have the BEST principal!

Michael Cash - Kindergarten

Jackson Ford - 3rd Grade

William Grant - 5th Grade

Shelby Herr - 7th Grade

Our first day was prayed over a lot.  My sweet husband brought me Starbucks on his way to the airport! Lots of patience and grace to begin the year!


Happy BIRTH Day!

It has been a LONG time (5 1/2 years) since we have had a "baby" in the Kimball family!
Today that "no baby" streak was broken when
Noah Rush Andre
decided he would like to join us!
Noah was born at 2:23 PM
6 pounds 11 ounces
20 inches
Another baby boy, what will Paw Paw do?

Congratulation to Danielle & Ben ...
and to BIG sister Anna Claire!

Pssss ... hint:  we need a family pic ASAP!!!!


Five Communication Tools That Saved My Marriage - FamilyLife.com

In today's age of communication through e-mail, chat, Facebook, Twitter and text,
I think we loose some of our personal communication skills. (At least I know I have!)
This article is EXCELLENT!

Five Communication Tools That Saved My Marriage - FamilyLife.com


Trip Home from Austin

I was writing an e-mail to update some family on our trip home, but then I just decided to post it! I will post more about our actual trip later!
Blurry picture, but cute! If anyone can help me clean up the pic, please let me know!
We were all excited about their first flight!

They did a good job coming home today.
I had some grace given to me:
my big bag was 51 lbs. - they let it slide,
they are getting strict on names, but the TSA guy didn't return me to the ticketing counter to put Jenifer instead of Christi on my ticket! :)
Two of my three checked bags were gone through by TSA - they left me a nice note in each - thankfully my coffee was still there!!!! They must have thought I was smuggling something! HA!

We had an adventure returning the rental in the rain -
getting through a longer security line -
a pretty full flight (where the seatbelt sign stayed on the WHOLE time, so we had to break the rules and get up because Michael was about to have an accident) -
Grant bumped a guys seat, and he wasn't so gracious -
pick up luggage - shuttle to van - load van - drive home!
Waiting for the shuttle ... wearing out Team Emmet gear.
Praying for Emmet & Wendy as they go through another round of chemo today!

Each child said it is good to be home - Home Sweet Home!
(I do think Grant said he would have loved to have stayed with Uncle Kevin!)

Fed them lunch and I took a nap! John's flight was cancelled, so he is stuck in TX. We are hoping he will get home at 10 tonight (was supposed to get in at 8:15), and we ALL look forward to a good night's rest in our beds!


Happy Birthday, Chloe Belle!

Wish we could be with you on your special day!
We got you (and Ellie) a b'day gift this morning!
Hope you had a fantastic day!
We love and miss you so much!
Aunt Christi, Uncle Dean,
Shelby, Grant, Jack & Michael


Psalm 1

Michael's 3 year old Sunday School class (most of them are now 4 years old) quoted Psalm 1 on Sunday at church. They did a great job! Some just did the hand motions, but others really said it well!

Thanks to Michael's Sunday School teachers for teaching them this chapter of scripture! We reviewed it at home, but he definitely learned it in class.


Beginning Summer Fun

Time with friends!

Berry Hill Park with Sharon and the boys!

Michael eating a cheese biscuit for lunch!


Michael Cash and the Performing Artist

When visiting the US Space & Rocket Center on Day 1 of our vacation,
we came across this artist that paints to music. He uses spray paint and
ignites it at times. Quite interesting.

When we got home, Michael was drawing one day and asked for some paint and fire. Yikes! Watch Michael's interpretation of this guy! So funny!


Vacation 2010 - Day 9 ... the drive home!

Thankfully, when Jen Jen got up this morning, she was feeling better.
Not great, but well enough to get in the car for the ride home.
After we all got packed up, we headed out!
We have had a great trip!

Some of the pictures from the trip home were taken by Shelby.
Can you guess which ones?

Out for the last leg of the trip!

Awake now!

The kids were impressed that this dog was riding on a motorcycle on interstate!

We made great time driving straight through!
We were all ready to get home!
Here are the kids in their new Orange Beach t-shirts!


Vacation 2010 - Day 8

Well, this morning John and I found out that my Mom got very ill while we were out last night. Dad and Mom were not able to leave this morning, because she couldn't travel. I feel so badly for her.

We also found out this morning that some old friends from our church in LA decided to come to Orange Beach after all! We all debated before coming - not knowing how the oil spill would effect things! So far this area is GREAT!

Jack is relaxing!

Grant is looking for the Frisbee.

Shelby is trying to climb back up!

Getting a little help from Dad!

Frisbee with friends!

Ah ... who pushed?

We had a great time at the pool with the Nicholls family! What a blessing to see them! Shelby was a able to hang out with her friend, Hillary, which was a sweet surprise!

Is it movie time or nap time?

Trying to wake up!

After everyone was waking up, John took the kids to putt on the greens. They had fun - some used their golf clubs like pool sticks, others as weapons and no telling what else! While they were out I prepared breakfast for supper. Mom had asked me to not cook this morning because the smell wouldn't have helped her at all! We had planned a BIG breakfast, so we just moved it to the evening meal since we leave tomorrow!

My last Orange Beach sunset for a while!

After dinner we played UNO. Jack had been asking for days to play!
Crazy kidos!

Before dinner John and I slipped out to the surf shop to pick up some t-shirts. John had seen one he wanted, so he got that one. I found the boys all matching ones, then I got Shelby and me one alike! FUN memories of our vacation! So, after UNO we gave the kids their shirts and put them in bed. John and I packed a bit, then crashed!


Vacation 2010 - Day 7 Happy Anniversary!

John started off the day with a little fishing!
First he took Shelby and Jack, then Grant!

We decided to try out the pool at building B this morning.
A new slide to try!

Daddy'o is going slow!


Michael is just watching!

Shelby is going VERY slow!

Dad, Mom and Paige arrived while we were at the pool. They had checked out of their condo. Dad and Mom were coming to stay with us a night so we could go out for our anniversary tonight, but Aunt Paige was heading home!

Paw Paw and Michael playing around on the balcony.

Everybody kind of rested this afternoon.
Shelby is waking up from a much needed nap!

Happy Anniversary! 15 Years!
We are headed out to do a little shopping and to dinner.

Dad and Mom took these sunset pictures for us while we were gone.

After we went shopping in Foley, I took this pic of the sunset from the car.

Then we were on a mission to find some yummy food for our anniversary dinner.
We ended up at the Oyster House. Everything was great! We split some blackened shrimp then some fish - YUM! After dinner we walked to a pier on the beach. John read a sweet anniversary poem for me, but we didn't hang out long - there was a cool breeze blowing that night!


Vacation 2010 - Day 6

I awakened this morning to quiet! :) For some reason I can't sleep very late anymore ... hum, wonder why??!?!?!? It was very nice to get up and do my Bible Study without interruptions. It was truly a QUIET time.
John got up and headed to go work out. I stayed in and piddled around - answered a couple of e-mails and just enjoyed the moments of watching the boats ...

and the dolphins!!!

Our morning plans were to head to the beach at my parents' condo. We headed that way and the kids were ready. We all went down to the beach. The waves weren't as strong today as they were the first couple of days we were at the beach, so the kids were able to enjoy the gulf a little more without having John right there with them.

Michael had fun jumping the waves with Paw Paw, but I had to bribe Jack to get out in it.

Jack was wanting to stay in today, then he just wanted to stay under the umbrella. I knew he would enjoy getting out in the water since it wasn't as strong today, so I wouldn't let him have his fruit punch drink until he tried it. Jack went out with John and had a blast. He came back and sucked down his drink, then when John went out again - Jack was ready to go again! :) I will have to say, "I told you so!"

We actually were able to take a walk by ourselves! :)

Shelby wanted to be buried like Grant was the other day!

I would be miserable, but they LOVE it!

Michael didn't go as deep, but still LOVED it!

Haven't spent time on the beach with family in a while!
Well, actually, haven't spent time with family in a while period!
Great to see you, Aunt Paige!

All this four year old had to hear is someone (an older sibling) mention the word "sand angel"!

The sand doesn't bother Michael!

Mommy on the beach! :)

Cool kids!

After a while, we went up to the pool. I went up stairs to get their stuff together. We got the kids dressed and headed back to our place. Grant went straight to bed, but the others ate a bite of lunch. The kids started a movie and we went to nap. When I got up from a well-needed 2 hour nap, Michael was asleep and Grant was up eating his lunch! WOW! We are all wiped out!

We got busy getting our supper plans together, because we had invited Paw Paw, Jen Jen and Aunt Paige to come for dinner. Burgers - a favorite of our family! The boys cooked downstairs on the grill. John made some frozen concoctions for the kids in the blender and it was a great night! A beautiful sun set was on tap and after dinner the kids pulled out the Pit game! Oh the fun! Michael had lots of energy because of his nap, so he and Paw Paw played games of tickle and hide and seek.

John grilling our burgers! Excellent!

Enjoying the burgers!

Another beautiful sunset!

Amazing how different the sunset can look on the same day just a few minutes later!

Aunt Paige and Shelby

Of course Michael wants in on this deal!

Playing Pit!
Amazingly, after our guests left, the kids who didn't nap were asleep quickly - BUT the ones that did nap were asleep almost just as fast!!!! So, I sit here typing as John watches a movie. Good night!


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